Trainings and mentorship programs has been the strength for the community empowerment. The following programs have been linelisted for the empowerment for both the Women, Youths, Girl child < children in the community.

YHBI desires to reach, Train, Mentor women in various areas to help them live a dignified life both at home and at work. 

We have the following programs for the support of Women:

a) Capacity Building in : Agri-Business, Entrepreneurship, Hand crafts, Table banking, Tailoring and SME.

b) Collaboration and Partnership.

c) Women Rights and Advocacy.

d) Psychosocial Support to women with Medical condition.


The strength locked up in youths are of very importance both to the family and community. 

YHBI links up with the youths through empowerment in various program areas:

a) Academic empowerment.

b) Technical &Vocational training support.

c) Psychosocial support to youths with medical conditions .

d) Support of youths living with Disability.

e) Gifts, Talents and ability development in Sports, Music, Art.

The strength of the society lies on how the future generation is equipped. 

We are zealous about  girl child support though:

a) Girl child Training and Mentorship programs on life skills.

b) Sexual health management and Menstrual product support.

c) Gifts and Talents development and Support.

d) Girl child Rights Advocacy and protection against; GBV, FGM, Women discrimination and Inequality.

e) Education support and Training.


We must take care of the elderly